How to Install MultiSite on WordPress
Multisite is a WordPress feature that allows users to run multiple sites through a single WordPress installation. It’s a neat and useful option for users who want to create a network of sites that are both independent and connected, like news sites or bloggers. You can use MultiSite to create different subdomains for example, and it provides full control to Super Admins who can make changes to themes and other elements across all the websites that you manage. Installing Multisite is easy and functions similar to a regular installation.
Here’s how to install MultiSite on WordPress:
- First, go to your File manager in Cpanel
- Add define ( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true ); to your wp-config.php file
- Visit the network setup page
- Choose either a subdomain or subdirectory structure
- Enter your network name and Admin email
- Update your wp-config.php file
- Update your .htaccess file
- Log back into your website
- Configure wildcard subdomains
- Configure virtual hosts, specifying the same document root for each
- Create add-on domains or subdomains in cPanel or in a similar web hosting control panel
- Configure Your Multisite Installation
Not everyone needs a Multisite, but if your online business requires a network, installing multisite through WordPress is a pretty clear-cut process, and gives you more flexibility in terms of the content you post and what you want posted where.